Apache Junction Public Library has WiFi hotspots available for check-out. If you are over 18 and an Apache Junction library cardholder, you can check out a hotspot for Internet access at home (or anywhere in the continental United States). These hotspots will allow you to connect to the Internet using your computer, tablet or phone.
Below, you’ll find information about checking out hotspots. If you don’t see your question below, or want more information, feel free to call (480) 474-8555, contact us via email, or visit the library. We are always happy to help!
How long do hotspots check out for? Can I have it for longer if I need it?
Hotspots check out for 28 days. They cannot be renewed. You may check out another hotspot after returning one if there is one available.
How can I check a hotspot out?
To check out a hotspot, please visit the Service Desk. You will need your library card and a photo ID. Your library card must be current, with fees at or under $5.
How many hotspots can I check out at a time?
Hotspots are limited to one per household.
Can I put a hotspot on hold?
No, hotspots cannot be held.
What happens if I keep the hotspot for longer than 28 days?
Hotspots will be disabled the day after they are due if they are not returned.
Where will the hotspot work?
Hotspots are for use in the continental U.S. only (devices are not equipped to roam in off-network roaming areas). The Library has no control over and cannot guarantee the availability of hotspot service, continuous service or speed of the connection.
Where can I return hotspots?
Please return the hotspot to a staff member, not through the return drops. They can be returned to the Service Desk or at the drive-up window.
Are the hotspots filtered or restricted?
When using a hotspot, you must be in compliance with the Service Provider’s Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, the Library’s Internet Use Policy, and all Federal and State laws.
What about my privacy when using the hotspot?
The Library does not provide patron information to the Service Provider. Internet use is not tracked by the Library or T-Mobile, and the only data about the hotspot program that the Library collects is the total amount of data transmitted and received by each device during a billing cycle.