Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa Afia, recommended by Tracie
Louise is having the time of her life in 1920s Harlem: the clothes, the speakeasies, the dancing, the drinking, sneaking out from the boarding house with her friends until dawn and then going to work hung over… until the dead girls. Louise, being spontaneous, gets caught up with the police and in helping solve the mystery of who is killing the working girls in Harlem. The author keeps you guessing.
Fairy Tale by Stephen King, recommended by Dennis
The story is truly a fairy tale. It begins with a teenage boy, Charlie, befriending a hermit and his old dog. This unlikely friendship leads to an underground world full of characters based on fairy tales. Some are easily identified, and others are not. The world is suffering from the “gray” plague and is ruled by a man inhabited by another being. Charlie is obviously the prince in the story, although not a typical Disney prince by any means. The story is not spooky-scary, but fun and thrilling nevertheless.
Your Thoughts: A patron said, “My first Stephen King book! I definitely want to read more now.”
Around the Board by Emily Delaney, recommended by Leah & Megan C.
Have you heard all the buzz about trendy charcuterie boards? Charcuterie is a French word pronounced “shar-koo-tuh-ree,” meaning deli. But don’t think that throwing meat and cheese on a plate encompasses the grazing food movement. We found the basics of the charcuterie art form best described by this book “Around the Board” by Emily Delaney. From seasonal cheese boards to platters for year-round celebrations and elevated gatherings, the @cheeseboardqueen (Delaney) teaches readers about knives, perfect food pairings, recipes, inspiration, and styling techniques. Straight from our Charcuterie Board Basics class at the library, this book is your guide to year-round entertaining.
Spear by Nicola Griffith, recommended by Megan S.
Arthurian retellings are a dime a dozen, but Griffith does something special with this book. Its short novella length doesn’t stop it from drawing the reader in and immersing them in this fantastical world. I loved the main character, and really enjoyed the way Griffith handled various aspects of Arthurian legend, making them fit her story in a way that felt plausible but still magical. Don’t miss the author’s note at the end, which I found fascinating!
Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by Mary Roach, recommended by Louise
This book discusses the interesting intersection of wildlife and civilization. What do we do about the bears that move into our kitchens? How about those marauding macaques? The problems are not simple, existing solutions are often ineffective at best. Mary Roach writes with deep intelligence, compassion and, happily, a sense of humor. CNN’s Lesley Kennedy summed it up well: fun and fascinating.
Waypoints: My Scottish Journey by Sam Heughan, recommended by Karen
Tag along as the author tells the tale of his journey on the 96-mile West Highland Way, interspersed with memories of his growing up in Scotland and his early years of acting: struggles, triumphs, and all. Listen to the audiobook version if possible, as it’s delightful.
Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau, recommended by Megan C.
A surprisingly subtle and touching Women’s Literature read. In 1970s Baltimore, this coming-of-age novel considers what it means to be a woman by society’s standards and daring to define your own. As the only child from a “respectable” family, Mary Jane has no idea what lies in the “outside world” of hippies and rock music. But when she begins babysitting for her neighbors, she learns what possibilities life could take, even her own life! Filled with humor and heart, I’d recommend this book to anyone looking for a snapshot of 70s life, lovers of music, or those wanting to get into the Women’s Lit genre.