What was your childhood ambition? I dreamed of being an archeologist. Never quite made it, but I enjoy reading about past cultures.
What’s your favorite fall or winter beverage? Hot apple cider a stick of cinnamon/cloves cooked in a crockpot.
What was your favorite toy as a child? An old sheet. I could build forts, ballgowns, a post office…a sheet was versatile.
What’s one of your funniest parenting or teaching moments? Listening to my words come out of my children’s mouths.
What’s a fun fact about you? I once was a gymnast. Our team got 2nd in State one year. My preferred apparatus was beam.
Do you have any kids? Yes, 5 and my 1st grandbaby due this summer.
What snack is your guilty pleasure? Almond Roca
What did you do before working at the Fun Van? Before I became a Librarian, I was a Funeral Director. I love to help people, in that work I guided them thru their darkest hours, and helped them find hope.
What do you enjoy most about working at Fun Van? I truly love working with these gifted women. Their dedication to helping parents is inspiring.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Read. Currently I am reading Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco
What advice do you have for parents? Remember children learn by watching you. Help them to identify “the problem”, and then help them solve it, don’t take on their “problems.” Love, love, love….and when you’re really stressed say under your breath “this too shall pass.” It’s going to be okay.
What’s one of your favorite children’s books or authors? Mary Norton, Roald Dahl, Joanna Cole