Registration is now open for the October Early Childhood Training sessions brought to you by the AJ Library Fun Van Program. Check out these exciting sessions and register today!
**Now when you register through Eventbrite you will automatically have the Zoom meeting information**
Tuesday October 6, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Creating Easy, Fun and Educational Experiences at Home Part 1:
What does it take to create an environment that allows for fun and educational learning opportunities for small children while at home? Join us as we discuss the importance of healthy self-esteem, positive discipline strategies and creative troubleshooting tips for being at home with young children. Stuck at home doesn’t have to mean stuck in a rut.
Thursday October 15, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Creating Easy, Fun and Educational Experiences at Home Part 2:
Learn how to engage your youngest children using interactive reading that focuses on fostering healthy brain development, using wordless books, asking good questions and using recall and prediction to encourage healthy brain and language development. Join us as we teach tips for fun, engaging read alouds that even the squirmiest of children will enjoy!