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We are so excited for you to register for Fun Van! We can't wait to see you and your children in class. Registration is required because we have limits on the number of children and caregivers we can accommodate in each class. Please complete the form and make your location/time selection. ALSO - PLEASE - double check the location before sending; devices with small screens alter the format/display and you may register accidentally for a different location than you wish. You are registering for 8 consecutive weeks and are planning to attend each week. If more than one registration request is received from the same name, we will disregard the first submission. Thanks! Apple users: Please type your first and second choices for locations in the box following the location options if the option buttons are inoperable. Thank you for your patience with this ongoing issue!

Choose 1 class to attend for the 8-week series. You may attend only 1 class each week. In locations with multiple class options, you must attend the same class each week for the entire 8-week series.

Fun Van Series 5*
I am committing to attend all 8 weeks of classes. If I miss a class, I will work with the educator to make up the class either in person or virtually.*
Which Fun Van series of classes would be your first choice to attend?*

Please select the age(s) of the child you are bringing to class every week. Children over the age of 5 or enrolled in kindergarten will not receive a book.

Please double check that you have selected the location you wish to attend*
*Please note that not all registrants may be placed in a class series due to child-to-teacher ratios.*




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