Community Resource Referral Form: Agency Descriptions
- Unless otherwise noted, all services listed below are for pregnant women and children birth to five years of age.
AzEIP Services:
Central AzEIP Intake – Administer assessments, and provide services and support to children 0-36 months of age who are exhibiting significant developmental delays.
Child Care Resource & Referral – Provides assistance to families in locating quality child care.
PGCCS Head Start – Provides subsidized child care for children ages 3 to 5 based on family income level.
UWPC Friend, Family & Neighbor – Provides training, resources and support to in home child care providers and kinship care providers.
Home Visitation:
Pinal Home Visitation Coordinator, Services provided by Easter Seals Blake Foundation and PGCCS Early Head Start – Parent educators work with families on a regular basis, in their homes to develop positive parenting skills and understand developmental milestones. Also provides developmental, hearing and vision screenings.
Nutrition/Food Support:
Pinal County Public Health WIC – Provides nutrition education, referral services and food assistance. Lactation Consultant and Nutritionist are also available.
Community Action Human Resource Agency – Provides emergency food boxes to families struggling with food insecurity; monthly produce distribution September thru May.

Dental Screening:
UofA Cooperative Extension – Preventative oral health education and oral screening for young children and pregnant women; fluoride varnishing provided for children with emergent teeth.
Developmental Screening:
UofA Cooperative Extension – Provide screening to determine how children are reaching developmental milestones and offers education and support to families.
Hearing and Vision Screening:
UofA Cooperative Extension – Provide screenings for children in a variety of settings for potential vision and hearing issues.
UofA Cooperative Extension – Provide nutrition education for adults and families on how to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to safely plan and prepare healthy nutritious meals and snacks for their family.

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