Facebook Live Videos
Father’s Day
Celebrate the Father’s in your life with this adorable book and gift idea!
Animal Books
Ms. Kat shares two fun books, Click, Clack, MOO Cows that Type and Duck, Rabbit
Baby Activities
Check out these fun ideas for activities with babies.
Train Story and Craft
Mrs. Amber Shares one of her son’s favorite bedtime stories Steam Train, Dream Train by Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld (Illustrator).
There are many fun craft ideas that can be paired with a train book. Below are two examples, a shape train and a tape resist train.
Creating a train out of cut out shapes and glue is a fun way to let your child’s imagination grow. Set out a variety of shapes in different sizes and just see where their imagination takes them.

A tape resist craft can be made by putting down tape or contact paper and coloring over it, making sure the area around the tape is colored or painted. In this example we used Kwik Sticks a great tempura paint stick that is low mess. Then one you have finished covering the page let your kiddo help pull off the tape to reveal your picture (this is a good fine motor activity).

If you do a cookie craft with your children…
…they will want to read a story with you too!
Ms. Kat reads If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond (Illustrator). Sharing also a cute cookie craft to try with your young children.
Calming Toddlerobics
Try some calming toddlerobics activities with your little ones. Ms. Ryanne shares some great ideas to help you and your children reduce stress.
Polar Bear’s Underwear
Watch this adorable story with Mrs. Ashley.
Polar Bear’s Underwear by Tupera Tupera

Let’s Chat Some More
Join Ms. Kat, Mrs. Ashley, and Mrs. Ryanne as they chat about books they are reading with their kids, play a game and more