Introducing Miss Lauri!
How many years have you been with the Fun Van?
I am a newbie!
What was your childhood ambition?
To be an actress
What was your favorite toy as a child?
What’s one of your funniest parenting or teaching moments?
When my son was about 3, we were outside having dip and chips with some friends. Just in time, I stopped my son from dipping a WORM into the French Onion Dip!!
What’s a fun fact about you?
My family had a pet alligator when we were growing up.
What did you do before working at the Fun Van?
Third Grade teacher with Mesa Public Schools
How Did you hear about the Fun Van?
I found this best-ever job while I was surfing the website!
What do you enjoy most about working at Fun Van?
Working with the pre-school aged children
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Playing Bingo LOL!
What advice do you have for parents?
Always laugh it off! In the long run, it really will be OK!
What’s one of your favorite books and activities for your Fun Van families?
The Hungry Caterpillar——Making a Paper Plate Caterpillar
photo from