Jessica Healy
What was your childhood ambition?
To be an artist and travel the world.
What book are you currently reading?
Just started reading Setting Limits with your Strong-Willed Child by Robert J. Mc Kenzie ED.D.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I grew up in Costa Rica, Central America and speak fluent Spanish. I would ride my horse up the mountain through rivers and waterfalls.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, water boarding, and camping. We also like sitting in the back of the SUV facing the mountains when it rains and having a picnic.
Do you have any kids?
I have one child with mild autism and another one who was diagnosed with Diabetes 1 when he was 8 years old.
What’s one of your funniest parenting or teaching moments?
The most recent fun parenting moment was when I saw my son copying me by taking deep breathes because he was frustrated while he was trying to relay his side of the “story”.
How many long have you been with the Fun Van?
A few months.
What did you do before working at the Fun Van?
At my previous job, I licensed families so they could foster children. I also have worked as a support coordinator for the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
What do you enjoy most about working at Fun Van? I enjoy being able to help families with tips and skills regarding parenting techniques as well as assisting parents to connect with different resources and feel supported by one another. I appreciate my teammates craft ideas and support throughout the series.
What advice do you have for parents? Every day is a new beginning with bright possibilities. Take a deep breath, smile and make it a great one!